Friday, January 4, 2019


Fact: My mother Mary was one of three girls, Daisy and Pearl were her sisters.  I never knew Pearl.
My father was one of  three or four boys.  According to ancestary there was a forth boy but never knew this before my parents died.  My father Bayard was one of  three boys born to his father, Thomp Spragg. His mother was Sudie Bradth  Spragg and she died when dad was less than 6 months old when she died on April 1, 1900.  He had a brother Lawrence and Willis was the son of Grandpap Spragg's 2nd wife Lizzie.  
Memories: I remember my Aunt Daisy well. She was one of my favorite people. I also remember my Uncle Lawrence and Uncle Willis also.  Uncle Lawrence lived most of the time I knew him in Detroit, Michigan and Uncle Willis lived up there and then later when he retired he lived in Florida. I remember when Uncle Lawrence came to see us when we were young he always gave us money and he and dad always drank.  They both gave that up in their older years.  Uncle Willis I remember him more when I was a teenager and older. Uncle Lawrence was always crippled as long as I knew him.  Dad said that happened when he was trying to jump over a barrel of whiskey. I think he may have been married once but I am not sure.  He never had any children, but seems to me he brought  a step-son to our house once. Uncle Willis was married 3 times I think.  He had one son Gary to his 2nd wife. He lives in Michigan and has 3 girls.
Reflections: When I am writing these things it makes me think about a lot of things I normally would not be thinking much about. Harry always says " I am the trivia collector." , but I realize there is a lot of things I would like to know now that I did not ask.  I guess this blog is more for me than anyone else, but maybe some day someone in the family will want to read it.  

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