Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Jan.2, 2019

Fact: I was the last child born in the family and there were 4 living siblings at that time.  Mom had been married to John Smith and had 5 children, having lost her first two, John and Clarese, she had Margaret, who at the time I was born was already married to John Piatt and had a son Johnny who was almost 2 months old when I was born.  Bill and Fred were children to her first husband and Bayardie and I were to my father.  
Memories;  Of course I have no memories of this time, but Mom told me that we lived out in the country and I was born at my Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ward's house in Bucktown, which was part of 
Waynesburg, Pa. She said Dad took care of the other kids and even baked bread.  
Relections: Now that I am older and look back on my parents life, they did not have a easy row to hoe.  I can not imagine what it would have been to lose your first two children and get a divorce in that age with 3 children to raise.  My father was a good dad to all of us and we were a family. We never had alot but then neither did others around us.  We always had a roof over our head, clothes to wear, and food to ear, so I feel we were blessed. 



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